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Heart Bound Page 6

  Kissing his chest, she smiled, murmuring, “Starving, now that you mention it.”

  He carried her up to the blanket, using his wings to dry her while his hands squeezed her curves. She smiled at the flattened grass where they’d played and felt his arms tighten around her as he followed her gaze.

  Victorious nuzzled against her, the silvery-green coolness was a loving caress. I am most delighted in your guard, champion. He will be a fine ward for your children. You have created something beautiful here. In her mind was a flash of bronze and darkest green, a tree unlike anything she’d seen before. It was gone before she could grasp details.

  Leo set her down and reached for the towel, wrapping her in it before getting his own. “You all right, love?” he asked, cupping her chin and smoothing his thumb along her lower lip.

  She pressed in tightly to him and returned the smile. “Yeah. Just a strange image.” She glanced at the sword.

  “Yeah? Stranger than usual?” He, too, regarded the sword but quickly looked back to her. “Today was the first time I felt her. She is really amazing.”

  “She adores you,” she said rather than try to explain the too-quick flash of the bronzed tree.

  Leo chuckled and ruffled her hair with his towel and bowed to kiss her. “Good. It would be awkward if she didn’t, right? Think she’ll let me hold her?”

  The amusement rippled off the sword, but she said quiet firmly, No. It rang through her.

  “I don’t think so, love.” She returned the favor of hair ruffling with the end of her towel. “You better behave or I’m going to throw you down and fuck you once more before we get food. I’m sure our friends are going to start to worry.”

  Leo just smiled impishly at her but drew back. “You might be right, love.” His dark eyes twinkled. “I think I’ve just found my new favorite place.” He looked out over the water. The place they’d played against the curved stone was still wet with the imprint of their bodies slowly drying in the sunshine.

  “Me, too.” With an effort she resisted going to him and following through with her threat. Instead, she dried and dressed. Victorious almost leapt to her hand when she bent to pick her up. As she belted her on, the thrum raced up her hand from the mark in her palm to the center of her chest.

  Love. That’s what it was.

  He helped her into the harness. Again, he double-checked all the buckles. “Not taking any chances with my sweet lady,” he whispered and kissed her lips.

  He allowed her to help him back into his harness and she playfully checked his buckles as he’d done to her as she smiled up at him. When she retrieved the cock cage Leo sucked in a sharp breath, his dark eyes flashing as their gazes held. A delicious frisson of anticipation swelled between them as she casually unhinged the ring and toyed with the lock.

  His lips curled into a sensual curve as he offered his lovely cock to her with a roll of his hips. Despite their strenuous playing over the past few hours and the cold kiss of steel, his cock responded under her fingertips. She eased his shaft into the filigree of smooth metal and drew his heavy balls through the ring and fastened it before her touches coaxed him fully hard. “There, safe and secure,” she whispered, sliding the lock into place and latched it closed.

  He moaned thickly, his eyes closing for a moment. As he adjusted to the new weight, she stroked a hand over his imprisoned cock. “Yes, Mistress. Thank you!” He sounded genuinely grateful. The way he looked at her made her heart and her sex melt.

  After she secured his loincloth, they packed up the rest of the items from the picnic and returned to the house and their waiting friends. The soft, bell-like sound of the lock against the cage was the sweetest reminder of her shackles on him.

  Chapter 6


  They winged down and landed on the patio with a bright jingle of steel to find their friends waiting for them.

  Mano grinned wickedly at the sound. “Teddy bear!” He held his arms open for the hug once she was released from the harness clips. After the embrace he bowed low, fist to chest in deep respect. “Lady Victorious.”

  Impudent clown, Victorious responded with affection and a haughty flick of green toward the man.

  “She is as lovely and charming as ever,” the small blond man declared as he straightened and turned to Leo, exchanging a rough handshake with him. “Congratulations, sir.”

  Marcie tearfully enfolded her afterword and demanded to see the ring. Leo stood proudly at attention while Ursa tore the fabric from his groin and showed off the intricate polished steel of the special band she had acquired for him. His dark skin gleamed between the curves of gemstone-accented metal. Her engraving was bold along the top for all to see without question. Vans and Travis were looking particularly smug for their part in the surprise. The agent appeared to have made her departure once her part of the deception was fulfilled.

  After she and Leo slipped out of the harnesses, the group led her through the house as Leo tucked her under his arm. Leo, bold as ever, didn’t seem to mind that he was mostly naked. They went through the kitchen, where a pair of cooks were busily putting the finishing touches on a meal that looked and smelled amazing.

  “Congratulations, Ursa,” the chef called. He was becoming a familiar face after Marcie’s holiday party.

  “Sean was more than happy to be here to help with the meal to celebrate the happy news,” Marcie said from her other side.

  “Thank you. That’s so sweet.”

  “Absolutely! We take engagements very seriously around here.” Sean grinned and then blinked as he focused on the sword hanging at her side.

  Victorious whispered a warning and Ursa sensed the blade shield herself more securely, coming to guard as though expecting the man might try to take her.

  “Whoa,” he breathed and almost dropped the plate he was balancing.

  Mano chuckled softly, smirking at the young man. “Easy, Sean.”

  “Whoa,” he whispered again, and a wide smile curled his mouth as he set the plate down, faced her and properly pressed fist to chest and smiled. “How did I not see before? I’m so sorry. Wow.”

  Victorious relaxed but kept herself shielded. Tribe. She sounded exasperated. You may return his gesture, champion. He is swearing himself to you and the guard. He has sharp eyes, he is a good ally to keep.

  Ursa frowned at that. Someone swearing to her? Why? But Victorious just pushed her concerns aside, sending encouragement that she should mirror his movement. Safe. Safe. Safe. Washed over her. It reminded her of the story Marcie had told her when Leo was in her interview. Tribe. It still made no sense to her.

  When she made the motion, awkward and uncertain, both Mano and Marcie smiled at her, and she felt herself blushing. “Ugh. You are all in on this.” She huffed and put her had on the hilt of the sword for comfort as she cuddled into Leo.

  “Not all of us,” Vans said with a little pout. Both she and Travis looked completely in the dark. Right, because Travis was still working for the adversary.

  “It’s no big deal,” Mano said—casual and blithe. “Shall we continue the tour?”

  Sean grinned at her and pointed looked to where her hand rested at her hip before turning back to the meal preparation as though nothing had happened.

  “What was that about?” Leo asked against her ear as they walked through the massive family room.

  “Apparently, he swore himself to us,” she whispered, lifting one shoulder. “I don’t even know what that means.” Looking around, she gawked at the huge TV. “All right, who furnished all of this?”

  Leo ducked his head and kissed her shoulder. “I placed some orders and some of Mano’s friends did the setup. If you don’t like the color, we can—”

  She bit into her knuckles to keep from laughing. The dark leather couches were perfect. More importantly, it was exactly out of a conversation she’d had with him weeks ago. She had been telling him how she wanted a place where they could all gather, relax and do something normal together, like wat
ch movies. Three couches for three couples. Room enough for more as their circle of friends grew. She blinked up at him. “It’s perfect. But…that is quite some TV.”

  “You said you wanted a spot for us.” He smiled lovingly down at her.

  “Wow, you are spoiled, Ursa,” Vans teased, flopping down on one of the couches and pulling Travis with her. “When do we move in?”

  Travis groaned softly as he playfully fell into Vans and wrapped her in his arms. “You want to kill me with a commute?”

  “Call it incentive to get away from that…woman,” Vans said as she smoothed her fingers through his hair.

  “I’m close,” Travis announced. “Just give me a little more time. Believe me, I want to be there even less than all of you. We have a lead, though. The surveyors are coming back with interesting stuff. I find this last puzzle piece and that’s it. I tell Maximilian my findings and then I’m out. I swear.”

  “Maximilian?” Ursa and Mano asked together.

  “Yeah.” Travis looked around them. “Listen. I’ll tell you everything over dinner. Ursa hasn’t even seen the best room of the house. Put a pin in this for now. I swear I’ll tell you everything.” He turned to Vans with a warm smile. “And then you can talk with your friend about us rooming here a little while.”

  They went through an unfurnished sunroom, then a nearly empty wine cellar before Leo escorted her through the huge oak doors of her library. Although the shelves were empty, the room had the fragrance she loved. Old books, leather and beeswax. When Leo had first given her the sunny room in his Oakland house for her library, she’d wept. This dwarfed that room. She felt faint with happiness. Leo supported her as her legs went weak and tears filled her eyes.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered as she blinked around the vaulted space and all the hardwood bookcases built into the walls. “I feel like I’m dreaming.”

  “Do I need to pinch you, love?” Leo asked playfully, long fingers tickling her sides. “I think we can get you a desk and maybe some extra shelves for this middle area to create an alcove for you. Whatever your lovely heart desires.” He watched her with obvious delight at seeing how happy the room made her. “Come see the best part.”

  At the back of the room a set of French doors opened onto a secluded garden full of rose bushes. A trail led down to the pool and another down to the stables.

  “I know it’s not a view of the city but look, you can see the lake from right here.”

  She leaned into him as she followed the angle of his arm and smiled. “I’ll need a big comfortable chair we can both fit in when I’m out here reading.”

  “Of course, princess.” He wrapped both arms around her as they returned inside.

  “We will have to do some book shopping,” Marcie mused as they walked out of the room. “I doubt you need any help, but I’d love an excuse to get some additions for our library, too.” She pulled Mano closer and grinned at the blond, reaching out to give his curled mustache a little tweak.

  Upstairs were the bedrooms. Six of them, and the master bedroom. Ursa thought Leo’s Oakland house was lavish, but it was nothing compared to this. A new bed sat in the middle of the space—a magnificent work of art in dark hardwood.

  “Wow!” She gaped at the thing and her steps faltered. “Where did you find that?” she asked, looking up at Leo.

  “I thought we should have a new bed for our new life. The artist is inspired,” Leo whispered. “And look, places for you to fasten handcuffs and silk ties.”

  Ursa blushed and smiled as she cuddled in tightly to his side. “Don’t tell me, another of Mano’s friends?”

  Mano tipped his head in acknowledgment. “Chaze doesn’t even know his own skill. Nothing anyone says will convince him how good he is. He is an undiscovered genius with woodworking.” A fierce pride for his friend filled his tone

  Up close, the detail of the carvings was even more impressive. Not only the scrolls and whorls of feathers and wings, but the artwork told a story. First, a courtship, a chase between a lord and lady. Then a budding and growing romance of passion, and finally the resulting marriage. The headboard centerpiece was the mounted lovers kissing, with garlands, flowers and ribbons streaming. There were layers of meaning that reminded her of the tapestry with the redhead in the Adler dining room. A touch of longing and love whispered from the wood. The artist certainly had put himself into the work.

  “Is he a—” Ursa looked up from the footboard and gave a wiggle of her fingers.

  Mano’s expression was opaque as he shrugged, saying, “You’d have to ask him.”

  She smoothed her fingers over the wood and Victorious purred her approval. This one has much skill, champion. Surely one of the tribe. Ah, yes. Oath-sworn of the little clown. By this offering, I assume he stands by us as well. We will see.

  Ursa pulled her hand away from the bed and let out a soft sigh. Why did it matter who stood with them? She thought she stood with Mano and Marcie as part of their tribe.

  They stand with you, Victorious corrected. The lion and the lioness as your seconds. You are the messenger, my champion. As though that made perfect sense.

  “If you don’t like it, we can—” Leo murmured, misunderstanding her expression.

  “No, love.” She reached up and smoothed her fingers across his cheek and stood on tiptoes to steal a kiss. “I love it. I am just amazed. That’s all.” She wanted to say more but she hesitated with Travis there, and held her tongue. It felt wrong, withholding things from Travis, but until he was out from under the grip of Beatrix, who knew what might happen?

  The other bedrooms were unfurnished and in various stages of fresh paint. Bedrooms for their children. She chewed at her lower lip and smiled up at Leo as they gazed from the doorway into one sunny room. Their fingers threaded together before she was drawn in close to him. He plied her with soft kisses from forehead to nose and finally lips.

  “Oh, you two are almost too adorable,” Mano called as he followed Marcie down the stairs. “Dinner should be about ready. Don’t get too distracted.”

  “You have plenty of time to break in every room after dinner,” Vans added back over her shoulder, squeaking when Travis swatted her ass on the walk down.

  Leo looked down the length of his body to the gleaming cock cage. A swing of his hips jingled the lock that secured it and prevented him from following through on the desire burning in his dark eyes. He smiled at her and brought her hand up to his lips, kissing her finger just under the ring. “Are you happy?”

  “Yes! Overwhelmed and delighted and…amazed. This house… Are you sure you are okay with all this? It’s so…much,” she whispered.

  “It is not too much, though,” he assured her, dark eyes intense. “I told you long ago, it’s a huge kink of mine to take care of my Mistress. You don’t know how much it excites me to see you happy. Now come downstairs and let’s see what Sean has fixed for us. He has been very mysterious.”

  “Oh, God! It better not be like that breakfast thing,” she whispered as she let him lead her downstairs.

  “You enjoyed the breakfast when you stopped thinking about what was in it,” Leo reminded her.

  “You should have never told me what black pudding really is,” she said as Leo led her downstairs.

  * * * *

  Ursa had been blown away by the meals she’d enjoyed at Marcie’s over the Christmas holiday, but this took everything to a new level. Maybe because she rarely ate lobster, but more likely because Sean took extra care picking out just the right combination of foods she enjoyed most.

  So many roses filled the room. There had to be hundreds of them. Not only on the table but arranged throughout. It made her smile at the memory of Tahoe. The sweet reminders of how she nearly let her fear ruin this perfection.

  After Sean explained the items in the third course, he ghosted from the room to the kitchen and conversation turned to Travis and his earlier comment.

  “What is it my uncle is up to, dare I ask?” Mano spoke quietly, leaning
into Marcie’s side as he peered down the table at Travis.

  There was a moment of tension around the room. This subject had not gone over well at Christmas, and they’d not poked around at it since then.

  “Maximilian found me after the holidays at a club we both belong to. We had a long talk. Apparently after a certain little owl flew away with the sword, he is having a massive change of heart.” Travis smiled warmly at Ursa. “Whatever you said to him, he said it affected him deeply, Ursa.”

  “G-good,” Ursa stuttered, feeling the pulse of agreement from the sword. “I liked him.”

  “Oh, teddy bear. Seriously? The man is a prick.” Mano chuckled.

  “I’m not saying what he did was right, but he doesn’t deserve his fate. He hurts, Mano.” She leaned into Leo for comfort. In the following silence she explained what had happened to her at the holiday party. Mostly for the benefit of Travis and Vans but also to refresh Mano and Marcie.

  Mano’s expression softened, and his smirk fell away. “Your compassion is humbling, Ursa.”

  “He’s not a bad person, but someone in a horrible situation. He helped me get Victorious.” She sighed quietly.

  Travis looked skeptical. “Talking swords and rugs?” He held up his hands to ward off the argument that started up all around him. “Yes, I have wings. But wings are one thing. This other stuff is pure fantasy.” He looked at Ursa with a small smile that bordered on condescending.

  Which made Victorious furious.

  Ursa found her hand on the hilt of the weapon with every desire to bare the steel for proof. The sweet song of battle whispered deep in her bones. Instead, she forced herself to let go and ducked her head. Throwing the sword on the table wouldn’t help matters. Not with the energy in the room right now.

  “Listen, if you don’t want to believe in this other stuff, that’s fine, Travis,” Marcie said quietly. “We can keep things to normal, all right? What are you doing, Travis?”